Tuesday, 24 January 2012

What will 2012 bring for me? (A bit late I know...)

Hello everyone, yes it is me.. I have finally found time to get back to my blog and this time I MEAN I am back for good. I wanted to share with you my new years resolutions.. A nice blog post to get me back on track. I have made many new years 'resolutions' of things that I WANT to do and things not things I want to give up. They are as follows:

  1. Drink less diet coke (okay.. this 'resolution' may be a contradiction of my previous statement - but drinking the amount I do cannot be healthy, can it?
  2. Marry Zac Efron.. It WILL happen.
  3. Do weekly blog posts
  4. Invest more time and money in to my youtube
  5. Get atleast 4 C's in my AS levels in the summer
  6. Enjoy life!
Now I know that some of these resolutions may not happen, and I except it but a girl can dream. I know that Zac Efron won't marry me THIS year but it does give him time to realise me.. a girl he doesn't know exists is his one true love! I'm not psycho I promise ;). 

I have decided that I want to make this blog about Makeup products/reviews and some bits of fashion as well but I want to dedicate it more to makeup because it is clear that I have a slight obsession of all the beauty products which are around at the moment and I would love to share my obsession with you guys! This idea came to me whilst I was reading this weeks more! magazine when I was reading the introduction paragraph-type-thing of what Laura the Beauty assistant loves about her job and it made me realise my love for makeup as well and how much I enjoy testing new things and sharing my opinions to people. I am going to try and put a blog post up weekly but this may sometimes be hard as I do have a lot of work to be done this year but I will try and put one up as much as I can. I am happy to be back and to get things started on this blog! Tell me your ideas! 
Oh and don't forget I have just posted a new video! click here to get to my channel.. Mwaahxx
Speak soon, 
Lots of love..